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Amazonian Plant Dietas

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I drink it cold or warm?

It’s up to you. You can drink it cold or you can warm it up.

Can I break the dieta earlier?

It’s totally fine to break the dieta earlier. Listen to your body. If you feel exhausted mix some lime juice with water and salt and close the dieta. Don’t throw away the remaining tea bags with the plant. When you feel better you can make a tea out of it and drink it right before going to bed. The spirit of the plant might visit you in your dreams.

I feel pleasant/unplesant emotions/sensations in my body.

That is the plant helping you. Don’t resist and lean towards the sensations/emotions.

Can I do Rapéh/Hapéh during the dieta?

Yes, Rapéh can help you with grounding and going into the expirience deeper.

Can I combine the dieta with Ayahuasca ceremony?

That is an excellent idea. Ayahuasca helps with establishing deeper relationship with the spirit of the plant.

One way to do it:

I can’t decide which Master Plant to choose to start with.

Do a little bit of research and see which plants resonates with you the most. Bobinsana and Ajo Sacha are considered to be great options for the people new to the dietas.